Sunday, June 26, 2016

IN the NEWS - BREXIT & Evangelical Spin

"It’s a stumbling block for the “one-world government” and “one-
world currency” that the Bible says will eventually be imposed across all nations during the end times.
That’s according to Franklin Graham, the famed evangelical leader who runs Samaritan’s Purse and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Graham continued: “We don’t know what the ‪#‎EUReferendum‬ vote means long-term, but I know that this is at least a temporary setback for the politicians in this country and around the world who want a one-world government and a one-world currency. The Bible speaks that one day this will take place. Join me in praying for all of those impacted and that Europe’s leaders, as well as our leaders in the United States, will look to Almighty God for wisdom and discernment in these trying and complex times in which we live.” WND
Actually, I'm not sure where these Evangelicals (& some SDA's) get the idea of a one world
government & religion. Scripture doesn't specifically state that.
It tells us the 2nd beast (U.S.) gets the world to accept the mark of the 1st beast. IF there was one world government (or religion) why would the 2nd beast have to implement it on the rest? They would already be one wouldn't they?
And don't forget the prophecy of Daniel about the "Iron" & "Miry Clay" not cleaving together. Rather, it appears that the world cooperates with spiritual Babylon (the counterfeit trinity of the dragon, beast & false prophet). Sort of a loose knit coalition on the subject.
Now as for a one world currency, that may be more of a POSSIBILITY in relation to not being able to buy or sell. BUT even that, one doesn't need a one world currency. Each nation could just use modern technology within their own borders and currency. But it is more plausible than a one world government or religion from the text.
But how does one get a global counterfeit Sabbath?
Looking around the political landscape, it seems more likely that in the U.S., clergy demand we try to appease an "angry Father God" as natural disasters heat up & our moral decay escalates (gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, Planned Parenthood atrocities, etc). Then to get the secular & non-Christians to go along, they cooperate for the GREEN Religion, to set aside a day to reduce our so-called "carbon footprint" so as to appease an "angry mother earth". Revelation doesn't say HOW the 2nd beast gets the world to go along. Just that it does. This is just a reasonable possibility based on the current political landscape globally. Especially when the 1st beast power has a foot both in Christendom & the GREEN Religion with its release last year of a GREEN Encyclical calling for a "Sabbath" for care of the Creation....In other words, they simply find common ground to cooperate-pushed by the 2nd beast.-----already the secular university of MIT has started GREEN to push for a Sabbath-like day of global rest from pollution...
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay,
they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men:
but they shall not cleave one to another,
even as iron is not mixed with clay.
Daniel 2:43