Friday, June 17, 2016

Creation Moment 6/18/2016 - WHAT?

Professing themselves to be wise,
they became fools,
Romans 1:22

"Stephen L. Talbott, a senior researcher at the Nature Institute in Ghent, New York,....
"What we do have is a god-like power of natural selection whose miracle-working activity in creating ever-new organisms is vividly clear to eyes of faith, but frustratingly obscure to mere empirical investigators. This is not a science ready for submission to a larger public along with a demand for acquiescence. Not if this public has yet to dull its sensitivity to fundamental questions in the way that the research community seems to have done." EV&V

1) Where are these "NEW" organisms vividly seen to those eyes of "Faith"?
2) It is "frustratingly obscure" because it doesn't exist!