Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The "Really" File - (Whoopi)

Whoopi Goldberg Bringing Transgender Modeling Reality Series to Oxygen:
'This Show Is Important Right Now’

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"The View co-host is executive producing Strut, which centers on Slay Model Management, the first agency exclusively focusing on
transgender talent.
"This show is important right now, because for all of the positive advances the community has made and continues to make, transgender is still a hot-button word that gets people hysterical," said Goldberg in a statement.
Goldberg said watching the show, "You may even be surprised to
From the 'REALLY' File
discover that you have been seeing and interacting with transgender men and women in ways you didn't even realize
Strut is set to premiere later this year on Oxygen." msnEntertainment