Friday, May 13, 2016

Peleg's "division"

....the name of the one was Peleg;
because in his days the earth was divided:
1 Chronicles 1:19

"Is the “division” of languages, noted in both Genesis 10:5 and Genesis 10:32, the same as the “division” of the earth, noted in Genesis 10:25, for which Peleg was named? If the
division” Peleg was named for was a linguistic event, namely the miracle of languages that God injected at the Tower of Babel, Peleg‘s genealogical position provides us with a chronological context clue about when Babel occurred.

However, if the “division” Peleg was named for was a geologic event (such as a geographic barriers-produced “division” of the earth‘s continental land-masses, due to rising water levels following the post-Flood Ice Age), the geologic “division” interpretation would sharpen the focus of creation science‘s understanding of post-Flood geologic history,.....

Philological analysis supports the conclusion that Peleg was named for something that occurred after the worldwide Flood, of a geological nature, that had global geographical significance." ICR