Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Papal Notes - Islamic Outreach

.....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3
"Pope Francis on Monday embraced the grand imam of Al-Azhar, the prestigious Sunni Muslim center of learning, reopening an important channel for Catholic-Muslim dialogue after a five-year
lull and at a time of increased Islamic attacks on Christians.
As Sheik Ahmed el-Tayyib arrived for his audience in the Apostolic Palace, Francis said that the fact that they were meeting at all was significant.
"The meeting is the message," Francis told the imam.
After the audience, el-Tayyib travels to Paris to open a Muslim-Catholic conference on East-West relations.
In a recent interview with the French Catholic newspaper La
Croix, Francis took a conciliatory line toward Islam, saying "I sometimes dread the tone" when people refer to Europe's "Christian" roots." yahoo