Wednesday, May 18, 2016

IN the NEWS - Counterfeit Latter Rain Saturates West Virginia

The Charismatic movement is a counterfeit Latter Rain--if it isn't from God then it's from His opponent. We must stand on the Truth in God's Word & not be deceived by the deception of the signs & wonders crowd. (remember, the Pentecostal movement is centered around gibberish tongues which isn't from God--so do you really think God is behind the rest of it?)
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8

"Pentecostals are closely involved in a sudden spiritual awakening across southern West Virginia that has produced hundreds of conversions, healings and baptisms in the Holy Spirit.
Billy Carrico of Bethel Temple Assembly in Nolan says the spiritual atmosphere in his region is so ripe doors are opening naturally.
Among the miracles he has observed in recent weeks is a person with poor vision whose eyesight
improved after prayer and a woman who had been unable to bear children who is now pregnant. There is such excitement that Carrico says youth pastors have been gathering before revival meetings to plan ways to disciple the flock of converts.
Katie Endicott, the Prayer Club sponsor at Mingo Central High School, says the move originated with impromptu preaching by Logan High student Skyler Miller at his school in late March.
And although Miller—who gave God the glory for his healing from leukemia—helped light the spark, the credit for this wave belongs to God, Endicott says. She says this awakening is larger than any one person, school, church or denomination and reflects decades of prayer and sowing seed.
"During this movement of God, don't look at man," said Robinette on the Twitter site #JesusIsBetter. "Man didn't start this. (God's) breath blew over the region and awakened us." Among the many meetings that sprang up after Hartley's talk at Mingo Central was a rally at the school's football stadium in mid-April. The meeting ran for nearly four hours, concluding with a baptismal service in a portable tank." Charisma