Tuesday, May 10, 2016

IN the NEWS - 4,000 & 150,000 Scare Tactics

"Six years ago, 72 organisations initiated the first European conference on a work-free Sunday. Together with more than 400 conference participants, we launched an official appeal to the European Council, the Parliament and the Commission.
Our message to the institutions was this: We stand for a work-free Sunday for all European citizens, establishing Sunday as a work-free day within the working time directive. The conference was the cornerstone of the creation of the European Sunday Alliance in 2011. We subsequently decided to establish an interest group in the European Parliament, which I have the honour of co-chairing.
My Danish colleague Ole Christensen has launched a draft report on the EU strategic framework on health and safety at work 2014-2020. To my mind, the most eye-catching figure he extracted is that every year, more than 4000 workers die due to accidents at work, and 150,000 fatal work-related diseases are contracted annually." TheParliamentMagazine

Look what else is on their website.....put these 2 movements together and look out....

"About Green Week 2016

The 2016 edition of Green Week, the biggest annual occasion to debate and discuss European environment policy, will take place from Monday, 30 May to Friday, 3 June. It will focus on the theme "Investing for a greener future".
Investing is about more than money. It's about creating jobs and taking people out of unemployment. It's about ensuring our children breathe cleaner air on their way to school, it's about using raw materials and resources more efficiently, it's about preventing waste, and much more besides.

The many facets of green investment will feature throughout the week. Events and activities will take place across Europe, centred round a high-level conference in Brussels on Wednesday 1 June, with a wide variety of organisations and partners taking part.
To show how the investments of today can help a "greener future" become a reality, each day of the week will focus on different aspects of the theme.

On Monday we look at how investing for greener cities can improve the quality of urban life. On Tuesday we explore ways of securing our future through investments in the countryside, which provides so many of the resources that our society needs. Wednesday focuses on finding the financing for our needs, and Thursday then looks at investing in our oceans. Friday widens the scope to a more global outlook, namely investing in sustainable development for future generations. Partner Events take place throughout May and June."