Thursday, May 26, 2016

IN the NEWS - 3 Letters to Burn

3 Letters were sent by pseudo-Christians to the United Methodist Church to encourage them to partake in the LGBT movement....below are parts of the 3.....the UMC should BURN the Letters-LITERALLY......these 3 Letters to urge them to lift their heart in rebellion against the clear teaching of Scripture....

Letter from members of the Oregon Diocese of The Episcopal Church:
Clergy and members of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Oregon welcome our brothers and sisters in The United Methodist Church .....
Episcopalians in Oregon are eager to share our experience of extending a full and unequivocal welcome to those who experience gender and sexual diversity. ....we believe that the Spirit of God has brought us to a holy place in which the gifts of all people are being utilized by the church in creative and exciting ways. Our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender clergy are God’s gift to the church. .........
The above statement has been signed by 75 members of the clergy of the Diocese of Oregon.

The national officers wrote a letter on behalf of the United Church of Christ:
An Open Letter to Our Brothers and Sisters in The United Methodist Church

We stand with those faithful LGBT clergy who dare to honor God by unashamedly declaring, as scripture affirms, all of human creation to be “very good” and who unapologetically seek to serve the church with all the gifts and graces of their whole selves.
We hold in loving care the courageous clergy and lay gathering to commit to the sacred work of dismantling religious traditions that threaten our unity as one body...

Letter from the Quakers (Society of Friends) in New England:
We greet you on behalf of the New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, the first denominational body of congregations of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) founded in North America.
In recent years our own congregations have wrestled alongside the wider Church with how we might together find right relationship among gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and straight members of our communities.                                                             We are called to seek a way forward for our faith communities so that people of all genders, sexual orientations, races, classes, ethnicities and abilities have the opportunity to be both present and celebrated in their authenticity.......

I say this because some ungodly people
have wormed their way into your churches,
 saying that God’s marvelous grace
allows us to live immoral lives.
Jude 1:4 NLT