Friday, May 6, 2016

Creation Moment 5/7/2016 - Summarizing Correctly Scientific American

"Xenon from deep within the Earth’s mantle has shone a light on the planet’s formation and early evolution. The isotopic signature of this earthly xenon has been shown to resemble that of primitive meteorites and differs markedly from the profile of the gas found in the atmosphere, which is mysteriously missing most of its xenon.
it's "missing" it because the Creator designed the gases on earth one way, and in the atmosphere another way...

The origin of Earth’s volatile elements such as water, carbon and nitrogen remains a puzzle.
the water, carbon & nitrogen were designed as such-distinct & unique....
It is difficult to determine if these elements originated from solar gas after the solar system formed or were delivered by asteroids or comets.

A new study, which sampled xenon from carbon dioxide-rich
mineral spring gas from the volcanic Eifel province in Germany, points to an asteroidal origin for part of the volatile elements trapped in Earth’s mantle—planetary bodies whose remnants now lie between Mars and Jupiter. The mysterious xenon in the atmosphere came from elsewhere, possibly comets.
‘We conclude that this [mantle] component was contributed by asteroids when the proto-Earth was still building up,’ notes senior author Bernard Marty at the University of Lorraine, France.
The extraterrestrial chondritic xenon found in the mantle has been isolated for 4.45 billion years. It also proves that volcanism in Eifel relates to upwelling from the deep mantle, likely to be over 700 km deep."
the reason it's that deep of meteor impacts is that meteors pelted the earth during the Great Flood to bust apart the earth's soft mantle thereby forming the continents....
The earth's gases are different from some in space because they were created for different purposes. The xenon found deep in the earth's crust were from a global flood, likely accompanied by bombardment. And water, carbon & nitrogen testify to the uniqueness of earth DESIGNED for life. This actually makes more sense based upon what we observe.
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created,
 in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
Genesis 2:4