Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Creation Moment 5/4/2016 - Dictating to God

"Some scientists want to dictate commandments back to their Maker. “Thou shalt not tell us how to behave any more” shouts a headline on New Scientist toward God.

 Of course, to the secular evolutionary atheists at science news sites, all gods are created equal.

"They are endowed by their human creators with certain unsavory mights, among them strife, arbitrariness and the pursuit of
punishment. We already know that humans don’t need religion to be moral. Now it turns out that religious moralising is an evolutionary response to societal upheavals 2500 years ago. Religion won’t disappear. But the research suggests the great moralising religions are doomed to ebb away, as they already are in the more affluent parts of the world. Some people worry that without moral guidance, anarchy will ensue. They need not worry: we will do good without it."

The boastful statement begs many questions. What is moral? On what basis do they understand the origin of morality? On what basis can they predict the future behavior of humans? Evolutionists didn’t do too well predicting morality in Darwin’s century, with its two world wars and atheist-inspired democides of 148 million people. Stalin credited Darwin with his hefty share in these crimes against humanity" CEH
But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying,
We will not have this man to reign over us.
Luke 19:14