Thursday, May 19, 2016

Creation Moment 5/20/2016 - Machairoceratops

Behold now behemoth,
which I made with thee;
he eateth grass as an ox.
Job 40:15
"A new species of horned dinosaur has been unearthed by scientists in southern Utah.
Remains of the animal, named Machairoceratops cronusi, suggest
it was about 26 feet long, weighed two tons and ate plants. The first traces were found a decade ago in an area rich with the remains of centrosaurines — large-bodied, plant-eating dinosaurs that roamed North America and Asia 77 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period.
The illustration above is an artist’s reconstruction of Machairoceratops. It shows the dinosaur’s neck shield with ominous-looking appendages anchored to the animal’s skull.
According to a scientific paper about the discovery in the PLOS ONE journal, “the specimen consists of two curved and elongate orbital horncores, ... [and] a nearly complete, slightly deformed braincase.” HP

MORE evidence of the genetic diversity of the CREATOR ......just like we see evidence today of
different species within each "kind". Obviously they were fossilized by the great Flood. Another point, they are not 77,000,000 years old. Remember, as documented multiple times now DNA & soft tissue have been found in dinosaurs making it scientifically impossible to b e that old. It would be interesting if they would test for soft tissue or DNA in these finds.