Sunday, May 8, 2016

ARCHAEOLOGY: Ipuwer Papyrus (The EXODUS?)

The LORD God of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee,
Let my people go,
Exodus 7:16
"In the National Archeological Museum in Leiden, Netherlands is found the Ipuwer Papyrus.  The manuscript itself was discovered in Memphis, Egypt and dates to the 13th Century BC – or within a century or so after the Exodus plagues occurred." * see my link below about the timeframe of  the Exodus

"The similarities to the account of Exodus are striking.

1. The Plague of Blood as mentioned in Exodus 7: 14-25
Ipuwer 2:3 “Pestilence is throughout the land, blood is everywhere.”
Ipuwer 2:9 “The River (Nile) is Blood. Men shrink…and thirst after water.”

2. The Plague on Egyptian Livestock as found in Exodus 9: 1-7
Ipuwer 5:5 “All animals, their hearts weep. Cattle moan.”

3. The Plague of Hail and Fire as mentioned in Exodus 9: 22-26
Ipuwer 9:23 “The fire ran along the ground. There was hail, and fire mingled with the hail.”
Ipuwer 2:10 “Forsooth (Help Us), gates, columns, and walls are consumed by fire.”

4. The Plague of Locusts as mentioned in Exodus 10: 1-20 (possible allusion)
Ipuwer 6:1: “No fruit nor herbs are found…Oh, that the earth would cease from noise, and tumult (uproar) be no more.”
Ipuwer 4:14: “Trees are destroyed and the branches are stripped off.”

5. The Plague of Darkness as mentioned in Exodus 10: 21-29
Ipuwer 9:11 “The land is without light.”

6. The Plague on Egypt’s Firstborn in Exodus 12
Ipuwer 2:13 “He who places his brother in the ground is everywhere.”
Ipuwer 3:14 “Groaning is throughout the land, mingled with lamentations.”
Ipuwer 4:3 “Forsooth, the children of princes are dashed against the walls.”
Ipuwer 6:12 “€œForsooth, the children of the princes are cast out in the streets.”

7. Freeing of the Slaves and their Pillage of Egypt as seen in Exodus 12: 31-36
Ipuwer 1: “The plunderer is everywhere, and the servant takes what he finds.”€
Ipuwer 2: “Indeed, poor men have become wealthy.”
Ipuwer 3: “Gold, silver and jewels are fastened to the necks of female slaves.”€
Ipuwer 5: “Slaves (who have now been freed) are throughout the land.”
Ipuwer 10: “€œThe king’€™s storehouse has now become common property.”

It seems more likely to me that the Ipuwer Papyrus is an Egyptian version or recollection of the traumatic events described from Exodus 7 through Exodus 12." CEM
