Friday, April 22, 2016

The "Really" File - (Transgender by "angel" order?)

 He that is wounded in the stones,
or hath his privy member cut off,
shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
Deuteronomy 3:1
"The nation’s first “transgender” Baptist preacher spoke to a national Baptist gathering on April 8, explaining that the doctor who delivered him as a baby was wrong in declaring him a boy, and that it was an “angel of reason” that caused him to accept his inclinations to identify as a woman.
Daniel Robinson, who goes by the name Allyson Robinson, had been studying to be a pastor at Baylor University’s George W.
Truett Theological Seminary in 2005 when he began to wrestle with his gender identity as never before. He had struggled with his desire to be a man since childhood.
I have known my entire life that the world was wrong about me, that on the day I was born, when the doctor took a cursory glance between my legs and authoritatively declared ‘It’s a boy,’ he was wrong—dead wrong,” Robinson told the Alliance of Baptists in St. Louis this month.

He said that one day in his early seminary days he contemplated suicide, but an “angel of the Lord” that he called “reason” stopped him.

From the "Really" File
What if God hasn’t fixed you because you’re not broken?” Robinson said he heard inside of himself.
That can’t be true,” he thought. “The Bible says I’m broken.”
What if the Bible is wrong?” the voice said. “What if you’ve been reading it wrong?”
Robinson’s wife, Danyelle, expressed her support about his desire to identify as a woman.
In 2014, he worked as a transitional minister at Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and was ordained there as a woman.
Frankly I consider Job, Gautama Buddha, Joan of Arc, Rumi and Johnny Cash to be my spiritual predecessors far more than Augustine, Aquinas or Barth,” he told the Alliance of Baptists this month. “My hymnal has a lot less Isaac Watts and Fanny Crosby, but it’s full of Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Tupac and Beyonce.” ChristianNewsNetwork