Saturday, April 9, 2016

SDA Issues - Jaerd Thurmon Replaces the GOSPEL

Below is some of what Jared Thurmon wrote--unchallenged--in the so-called Adventist Review...
Apparently Mr. Thurmon prefers the Church clasps hands with Popery on the GREEN GOSPEL Message... In the process he is weakening opposition to Rome by encouraging SDA's into the GREEN Religion...which btw, could likely be how the "world" justifies setting aside a counterfeit Sabbath (so as to let the earth rest a day).
For example, below, Thurmon brags about how 20 Muslim nations are on board....Uhmm...doesn't that make my point about how politically the world can make an image to the beast?
Also, Thurmon believes everything the climate change crowd spouts out without any thought put into it. For example, these people have a track record of false prophecies stretching back into the 1960's. More specific here....Thurmon laments "clear-cutting rainforests", yet he seems to have forgotten the 90's, when these false prophets cried about how much was being cut down in Brazil. The math shoed that no more would be left within a decade. Yet we are over a decade and a half removed from the mark yet rainforests are still there in Brazil.
Also, the idea that we have "eaten our way" into this so-called man made "climate change" is probably the DUMBEST THING written on the pages of the Adventist Review---
The Adventist Review has become so full of FLUFF & pushing secular politics, that it no longer is relevant as an arm of the Church.

Here is part of Thurmons NONSENSE---
"One issue in particular that is drawing both applause and criticism is the pope’s strong stance on climate change and human responsibility to care for the environment, touted as the big agenda item for this trip across the pond. Pope Francis plans to give a certain sound to the trumpet call regarding climate change, otherwise known as global warming. And with this issue, Adventists can resonate.
As the Washington Post recently noted, Pope Francis is facing an uphill battle with many Christians who deny that climate change is real. But Francis isn’t alone in his beliefs. Nearly half of Americans say that climate change is a sign of “the last days.”Businessman Jay Faison is contributing $175 million to help persuade the naysayers that climate change is the real deal. And Muslim leaders from
20 countries are sounding their own trumpet that climate change is real and a force to be reckoned with.
So this isn’t an isolated event or one that will likely go away anytime soon. In fact, experts are declaring that climate change is to blame for everything from 400,000 deaths per year to the rapid increase in diabetes to the 500 percent rise in natural disasters since the 1970s—a trend the World Bank expects to see continue.
After succumbing to Satan’s temptation in the Garden of Eden, Eve said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” (Gen. 3:13). Humanity has been deceived, and it seems we may have eaten our way into this mess—at least according to the United Nations FAO report “Livestock’s Long Shadow.” This eye-opening report cites the livestock sector as “a major stressor on many ecosystems and on the planet as a whole. Globally it is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gasses and one of the leading causal factors in the loss of biodiversity.” It adds that in developed and emerging countries, “it is perhaps the leading source of water pollution.”
Each one of us individually, including Adventists, holds in our hands the power to make a significant difference regarding the environment and to help end much of this misery. The world is clear-cutting rainforests,....."
Jared Thurmon is the Strategic Partnerships Liaison for Adventist Review.
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that
called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
P.S.- look who Thurmon finds himself in company of below from the GREEN SABBATH organization:


Once A Week, Give Our Beautiful Planet A Day Of Rest. A Green Sabbath Day.



Green Sabbath is a non-religious, non-political, and non-profit campaign which aims to raise awareness and to encourage people to help slow climate change, preserve precious natural resources and improve planet health by observing at least one carbon footprint-free day each week--on any day of the week. We call it symbolically A Green Sabbath day."