Sunday, April 17, 2016

IN the NEWS - The Quakes are Coming??? (who knows)

And at that time shall Michael stand up,
the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:
and there shall be a time of trouble,
such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:
Daniel 12:1
"Over the past 48 hours, there have been five major earthquakes globally, and one prominent seismologist has declared that “catastrophic mega earthquakes” could be on the way.  In fact, seismologist Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado has made headlines all over the world by warning that “current conditions might trigger at least four earthquakes greater than 8.0 in magnitude”.  If his projections are accurate, our planet could be on the precipice of a wave of natural disasters unlike anything that any of us have ever experienced before.
Since the beginning of 2016, south Asia has been hit by an unusually high number of large earthquakes, and this has scientists groping for an explanation. 
A single magnitude 8.0 earthquake in a populated area would be a disaster of historic proportions.If we were to see four of them like Roger Bilham is projecting, that would be a complete and utter nightmare.It is important to keep in mind that a magnitude 8.0 earthquake would be many, many times larger than the twin earthquakes that hit Japan earlier today…" IW
P.S.---Now hold your horses can't do "prophecy" by daily headlines....there have always been natural disasters throughout history....on the other hand, --IF--they are right..... then MAYBE......

From Ecuador...."A powerful, 7.8-magnitude earthquake shook Ecuador's central coast on
Saturday, killing at least 41 people and spreading panic hundreds of miles away as it collapsed homes and buckled a major overpass.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the shallow quake, the strongest since 1979 to hit Ecuador, was centered 16 miles south-southeast of Muisne, a sparsely populated area of fishing ports that's popular with tourists.
Vice President Jorge Glas said in a televised address that there were initial reports of 41 dead in the cities of Manta, Portoviejo and Guayaquil — all several hundred kilometers (miles) from where the quake struck shortly after nightfall. He said the death toll is likely to rise as reports from the worst-hit areas come in.
"We're trying to do the most we can but there's almost nothing we can do," said Gabriel Alcivar, mayor of Pedernales, a town of 40,000 near the epicenter. He pleaded for rescuers as dozens of buildings in the town were flattened, people trapped and looting broke out amid the chaos. "This wasn't just a house that collapsed, it was an entire town."
On social media residents shared photos of homes collapsed, the roof of a shopping center coming apart and supermarket shelves shaking violently.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said hazardous tsunami waves are possible for some coasts. While the government hadn't issued a tsunami alert, Glas urged residents along the coast to move to higher ground and towns near the epicenter were also being evacuated as a precautionary measure." AP
From Japan....  "Key facts about the two deadly earthquakes that struck the same area in
southern Japan on successive nights:
FIRST QUAKE: A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck at 9:26 p.m. Thursday at a depth of 11 kilometers (7 miles).
SECOND QUAKE: A magnitude-7.3 earthquake struck at 1:25 a.m. Saturday at a depth of 12 kilometers.
DEATHS AND INJURIES: 41 people are reported dead in the two quakes, and about 1,500 injured, at least 184 seriously." AP