Sunday, April 17, 2016

IN the NEWS - Morgan Freeman Fumbles 666

"The world is turning anywhere and everywhere they can to find out the mysteries of God, except for the primary source that reveals Him and His character, the Holy Bible.

The National Geographic miniseries [Story of God] follows [Morgan] Freeman as he travels to 20 cities in seven different countries in a quest to find answers to the mysteries of faith. In episode 2 titled ‘Apocalypse,’ Freeman sets off ‘on a journey to find out why so many religions predict an apocalypse, to discover the roots of Judgment Day, how ancient prophecies reverberate today, and to ask whether the end is really what we imagined, or if it’s all just in our minds. In an interview with CBS News, the Academy Award-winning actor said he hopes for the series to unite people of different religions. ‘In this situation, we’re hoping that the public at large gets the lesson of the sameness of the human condition,’ he said. ‘We’re not as different as we might think we are, we’re all seeking the same thing and asking the same questions, and basically coming up with the same ideas about who we are, what we are, and where we are going.’”

The most recent episode of the series documents Freeman’s visit to the Vatican where he meets with a Bible scholar and supposedly uncovers the meaning of 666, spoken of in Revelation 13:18, a topic that has perplexed many for centuries. In a clip from the latest episode of National Geographic Channel’s ‘The Story of God with Morgan Freeman,’ the actor meets with Kim Haines-Eitzen — a Cornell University professor and leading specialist on early Christianity — to discuss the mysterious reference. Haines-Eitzen’s theory, shared by others in the field, is that the biblical ‘666’ referred to Emperor Nero, a 1st century Roman ruler known for murder and persecution of Christians. In the ancient Greek language, every letter had a corresponding numerical value. When the letters of ‘Kaisar Nero,’ or Emperor Nero, are added up, they equal 666.

While this explanation sounds plausible, it ignores the most essential rules of biblical interpretation, particularly allowing the Bible to be its own expositor. It furthermore ignores the immediate context and all the previous evidences that identify the beast that this number is associated with.

This beast power is none other than the Roman Catholic Church. The Mark of the Beast, which is the mark of Popery’s assumed authority is enforced Sunday observance. The man having the number 666 is the head of that church, the Pope, the man of sin, he anti-Christ."
Hilari Henriques/SavedToServe
He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast;
 for it is the number of a man:
and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.
Revelation 13:18 ASV