Monday, April 25, 2016

IN the NEWS - An Eco-Babel?

As part of Singapore’s efforts to maximize scarce resources,
 these Supertree sculptures in a park collect rainwater

"The man-made mechanical forest consists of 18 supertrees that act as vertical gardens, generating solar power, acting as air venting ducts for nearby conservatories, and collecting rainwater. To generate electricity, 11 of the supertrees are fitted with solar photovoltaic systems that convert sunlight into energy, which provides lighting and aids water technology within the conservatories below.
The horticultural heaven also boasts two green conservatories in close proximity -- the Cloud Forest and Flower Dome -- climate-controlled biomes inspired by the shape of an orchid flower,...
However, the supertrees and biomes only make up 5% of the multimillion-dollar landscaping development ...The remainder of the Bay South garden will pay homage to the ethnic makeup of the country. In the Heritage Gardens, visitors can explore the Chinese, Malay, Indian and Colonial-themed areas...
.....the government's overall strategy to transform Singapore into a "city in a garden." CNN

An Eco-Babel?......Mankind began in a "Garden"......will it end in a man-made one? Will the GREEN Religion unite the world in a cosmic mysticism & a counterfeit Sabbath (mark-of-the-beast)?
If fitting then, as man attempts to turn his life into a man-made Garden & a man-made day of rest/honor for "mother earth" and "Father God". (Obviously mankind doesn't have the money to build this world-wide, rather it's the mind set to want to & attempting to).
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie,
and worshiped and served something created instead of the Creator,
Romans 1:25 HCSB