Sunday, April 24, 2016

IN the NEWS - The 175+

"The principle that man can save himself by his own works lay at the foundation of every heathen religion;"
 Desire of Ages p.35 E.G.W
“Leaders from at least 175 countries were signing the Paris Agreement on climate change this Friday as the landmark deal took a key step forward, potentially entering into force years ahead of schedule. Never have so many countries signed an agreement on the first available day. States that don’t sign Friday today, April 22, 2016 have a year to do so. ‘We are in a race against time,’ U.N. secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the gathering.

The nations are moving speedily to bring themselves together on one accord with the goal of defeating climate change and to help the environment, so they say. For the persons who are not diligently searching the scriptures, they will believe that the rapid movement in progression towards combating climate change is a positive thing, but the bible says otherwise. There is an
ulterior motive that is not as easily recognized. The Bible says that the whole world wondered after the beast according to Revelation 13:3. Knowing that this is the first time in history that so many nations have signed a document into action in one day, we can see this is a form of marveling after the beast. The philosophies set forth in the document entail the plans and strategies of the beast, the Roman Catholic Church. Many of the world leaders are familiar with Pope Francis’ encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ and consider him and his writings as powerful tools in shaping our modern world.

“Friday was chosen for the signing ceremony because it is Earth Day.”  We can see that the climate change movement seems to be more of Earth worship than anything else. It makes sense for those who consider Earth to be
their only home to try to maintain if for as long as possible. For those who are striving upward for a glorious eternity, this world grows strangely dim. 

 Once God’s professed people understand this, they will realize that it is the spirit of Satan leading the Earth preservation train. For him, this is his only “home;” this is the last place he will dwell, and then will be his destruction. So many are blinded that they don’t even see how they are lending their minds and bodies to Satan to accomplish his will, contrary to our heavenly Father’s will.

We must test every spirit and see if it is of God. See 1 John 4:1. When we search the scriptures, we unveil the enemy and see this great controversy coming to an end. Also because of the love of our Redeemer, we see that Christ is in His heavenly Sanctuary interceding for us, so that we can be grounded in the present-truth and not be blown away as a reed in the wind. While we see the signs of the times ,we must behold our Savior and see the signs that He is showing us in our personal lives– signs of forgiveness, peace and correction. It is important to discern the events taking place, but let us not forget also to have a Christ-like character created in us. What good is it to know how close we are to the end if we are not prepared to meet it?"
by Maia Powell, a 16-year old blogger/Saved To Serve

Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror,
but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.
All that I know now is partial and incomplete,
but then I will know everything completely,
just as God now knows me completely.
1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT