Thursday, April 7, 2016

Creation Moment 4/8/2016 - Opposite of Evolution Happening

For we know that the whole creation groaneth
and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
"Imagine if you could regrow teeth all your life. Have we lost some capabilities during human history? Aside from the occasional aches and pains, our bodies are pretty amazing. Cuts can heal, hearts can beat for decades non-stop, and brains can conceive profound abstractions. The versatility of human motion is astonishing, .... Still, we can see other animals with traits that would be nice to have. On second thought, maybe our ancestors did have them.

Sharks can regenerate teeth throughout their lives. Why can’t we? Science Daily describes the genetics behind tooth regeneration in sharks, then says, Humans also possess this set of cells, which facilitate the production of replacement teeth, but only two sets are formed — baby and adult teeth — before this set of specialised cells is lost. These ‘tooth’ genes, therefore make all vertebrate teeth from sharks to mammals, however in mammals like humans, the tooth regeneration ability, that utilises these genes, has been highly reduced over time. Why would evolution keep a trait for so long, only to reduce it in the most advanced organisms? Partial regeneration hints at better times past.

Liver tissue can regenerate. Skin and bone can heal. Stem cell research shows that our bodies carry around raw materials for rebuilding tissues and organs. Why can’t we regrow arms like amphibians? Why do some people go bald? Is the partial regenerative ability of the human body merely a leftover of a full repair kit that would enable much longer life? Here are some headlines that suggest innate regenerative potential in the body.

Aging diminishes spinal cord regeneration after injury (Medical Xpress). Why does this ability decline over time? Researchers link absence of protein to liver tissue
regeneration (Science Daily). A healthy liver can regrow 70% of its tissue after injury. Why don’t other organs do that? Specific gene network found that promotes nervous system repair (Science Daily). UCLA scientists found “an existing drug that mimics that gene network has been repurposed to promote nerve regeneration in the CNS [central nervous system].” Has that ability been lost? Mechanism to regenerate heart tissue identified (Science Daily). If drugs can “help the body grow muscles and remove scar tissue,” what if the body could have done this without external help? New research shows young muscle stem cells can improve adult muscle regeneration (Medical Xpress). If the muscles are there and work in the unborn child, why do they lose capacity later in life?

Complex learning dismantles barriers in the brain (Medical Xpress). The brain has astonishing ability to rewire itself and re-learn things after injury. Why, then, do some brain disorders fail this repair process? Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) shown to form multiple types of functional lymphocytes in vivo (Medical Xpress). What if this capability did not have to be
induced but happened naturally as the need arose? Stem cells used to successfully regenerate damage in corticospinal injury (Medical Xpress). A team finds that neural stem cells support regeneration. 3-D ‘mini-retinas’ grown from mouse and human stem cells (Science Daily). Cambridge biologists are trying to “harness the flexibility” of stem cells to regenerate parts.

Bioengineering a 3D integumentary organ system from iPS cells using an in vivo transplantation model (Science Magazine). Their experiments can regrow skin, complete with hair. A cure for baldness coming? Using a new way to reprogram body cells into “induced multipotent stem cells” (iMS), scientists can extract fat cells and dope them with AZA, a compound known to induce cell plasticity. “When the stem cells are inserted into the damaged tissue site,” Science Daily says, “they multiply, promoting growth and healing.” The new cells take on the characteristics of the tissue into which they are inserted. This new method overcomes ethical problems with embryonic stem cells, and doesn’t require viral vectors to reprogram the cells. Look what they compare it to: Stem cell therapies capable of regenerating any human tissue damaged by injury, disease or ageing could be available within a few years, following landmark research led by UNSW Australia researchers. The repair system, similar to the method used by salamanders to regenerate limbs, could be used to repair everything from spinal discs to bone fractures, and has the potential to transform current treatment approaches to regenerative medicine.

 Morally challenged descendents.
Why are there psychopaths with no empathy for others? Why so much hate and anger in the human race? Maybe charity is the default, and lack of it represents a degradation. Some UCLA neuroscientists claim to have found “potentially groundbreaking” evidence that humans are “hard-wired for altruism,” Science Daily says: It’s an age-old quandary: Are we born “noble savages” whose best intentions are corrupted by civilization, as the 18th century Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau contended? Or are we fundamentally selfish brutes who need civilization to rein in our base impulses, as the 17th century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued? After exploring the areas of the brain that fuel our empathetic impulses — and temporarily disabling other regions that oppose those impulses — two UCLA neuroscientists are coming down on the optimistic side of human nature. “Our altruism may be more hard-wired than previously thought,” said Leonardo Christov-Moore, a postdoctoral fellow at UCLA’s Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior. Evolutionary theory would have us believe that beneficial capabilities arose by chance, then were lost by chance. What if, instead, there has been a gradual decline in original capabilities due to the accumulation of mutations and genetic entropy? " CEH