Friday, April 29, 2016

Creation Moment 4/30/2016 - Magic Tricks of Evolution {Trick #5}

"Here are five major examples of materialists believing in magic (and there are more), or miraculous events without any sufficient explanation or cause for those events.

5. Origin of mind and morality

"The origin of mind and morality from energy and atoms has long been a problem for the materialist. It is a major theme of philosopher Thomas Nagel’s book, Mind and Cosmos, already referred to.
A fig tree produces figs, not apples. That seems obvious. Likewise, physics and chemistry produce
physical and chemical outcomes. However, mind and morality are not just matters of physics and chemistry. Sure, creatures that are physical and chemical have mind and morality, but how did such non-material things arise from the material? This is a serious problem for materialism, and the atheist Nagel candidly admits it, to the extreme annoyance of his atheistic colleagues.

The atheist has no sufficient cause to explain the existence of mind and morality. Magic happens!
Why do apparently intelligent people resort to believing in magic—uncaused events—at so many points? By not believing in God they have put themselves into an irrational philosophical corner. Romans 1:21 in the Bible says that when people deny that the Creator-God exists, they end up with ‘futile thinking’." CMI

And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments:
and Pharaoh's heart was hardened,
Exodus 7:22
Q: Is your heart hardened against God by the ramblings of evolutionary Magicians?