Monday, April 25, 2016

Creation Moment 4/26/2016 - Magic Tricks of Evolution {Trick #1}

"Here are five major examples of materialists believing in magic (and there are more), or miraculous events without any sufficient explanation or cause for those events.

1. Origin of the Universe

Materialists (atheists) once tried to believe that the universe was eternal, to erase the question of where it came from. The famous British atheist Bertrand Russell, for example, took this position.
However, this is not tenable. The progress of scientific knowledge about thermodynamics, for example, means that virtually everyone has been forced to acknowledge that the universe had a beginning, somewhere, sometime—the big bang idea acknowledges this (ideas like the multiverse only put the beginning more remotely, but do not get rid of the pesky problem).
Physicist Lawrence Krauss, one of the loud ‘new atheists’, has tried to explain how everything came from nothing; he even wrote a book about it. However, his ‘nothing’ is a ‘quantum vacuum’, which is not actually nothing.
Materialists have no explanation for the origin of the universe, beyond ‘it happened because we are here!Magic: just like the rabbit out of the hat, but with the universe, a rather humungous ‘rabbit’! " CMI

And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments:
and Pharaoh's heart was hardened,
Exodus 7:22
Q: Is your heart hardened against God by the ramblings of evolutionary Magicians?