Friday, April 1, 2016

Creation Moment 4/2/2016 - Corrupted Data HARMFUL

"What is meant by “random variation”?
Thousands of biology books say it’s accidental copying errors in DNA.
They say, essentially, that it’s corrupted data that occasionally turns out to be beneficial instead of harmful.

As a communication engineer I know – with 100.000000000% certainty – that this is impossible.
Nowhere in the vast field of engineering is there any such thing as “the percentage of the time that corrupted data is helpful instead of harmful.”
It’s ALWAYS harmful. Always. Copying errors and data transmission errors never help the signal. They only hurt it.

If we start with the sentence
“The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog”
And randomly mutate the letters, we get sentences that look like this:
The 6uHck brown fox jukped over the lazyHdog
Tze quick bro0n foL juXped over the lazy doF
Tae quick browY fox jumped oGer tgePlazy dog
The iuick brown fox jumped lver the lazy dog
The quiikQbKowSwfox .umped oveh the lazy dog
You can apply all the natural selection to this in the world and you’ll never accomplish anything besides destroying a perfectly good sentence.

Why doesn’t this work?
Because it’s impossible to evolve a sentence one letter at a time – even if you deliberately TRY.
Technically, this is because random mutation is noise and noise *always* destroys a signal. Claude Shannon called it information entropy. Entropy is not reversible. Noise never improves a signal. It only mucks it up." CosmicFingerprints
Professing themselves to be wise,
they became fools,
Romans 1:22