Saturday, April 16, 2016

Creation Moment 4/17/2016 - Fruits of Evolution

You shall not behave thus toward the LORD your God,
for every abominable act which the LORD hates they have done for their gods;
for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.
Deuteronomy 12:31
Human Sacrifice
"The God of the Bible told Moses and the prophets that the pagan practice of child sacrifice was so horrible, it never entered his mind. It was one of the reasons that Canaan was vomiting out its inhabitants, He said, forbidding His people from such evil. Leave it to evolutionists to say that human sacrifice can be useful! In Nature, a group of evolutionary psychologists thinks “Ritual human sacrifice promoted and sustained the evolution of stratified societies.” They’re not alone in their complicity of rationalizing a universally recognized evil. In the same issue of Nature,....
Child Sacrifice
The Big Science journals and their secular reporters are “all in” for sacrificing human embryos
(which they call fetuses, instead of babies), to their secular god, science. The answers are usually based on pragmatic philosophy. Live Science tells its readers all the good that fetal tissue research does. But in what other context is it justifiable to kill a healthy person to save a sick one? Nature uses the Zika virus crisis to justify “controversial” fetal tissue research, failing to explain why killing babies is the only way to work on the problem.

We’ve reported before how evolutionists and the Big Science institutions that promote DODO policies are overwhelmingly pro-abortion. They support Planned Parenthood, the abortion mill founded by the racist, eugenicist and evolutionist Margaret Sanger, even to the point of justifying the sale of baby body parts as exposed by last year’s undercover videos. While abortion is not linked to Darwinism directly, it becomes easier to justify if man is just an animal. Natural selection and survival of the fittest, furthermore, promote individual selfishness, in this case the selfishness of the mother and the “sperm donor” who put their own needs (or wants) over the life of the child inside her.
What gets interesting is when sex-selective abortions are on the rise. This tends to twitch the consciences of evolutionists, but on what grounds can they oppose it? Secularists already wink at abortions for Down syndrome babies (Science Daily) and those who might get microcephaly from the Zika virus (Science Daily), so why not for the wrong gender?" CEH