Friday, April 1, 2016

Book Review: A.D. 508 Sourcebook

(short) Book Review: A book that may be of some interest....
(Review by William Shea)

A.D. 508 Sourcebook
by Heidi Heiks
258 pages Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.

Brother Heiks has spent many years of research studying the primary documents of church and political history that surround the important developments towards the end of the fifth century A.D. and the beginning of the sixth century. This was a time of immense political changes and those political changes directly influenced the course of church history. The research done by Heiks has turned up new material not previously recognized from this period and there have also been major revisions in the history of the period by scholars studying the religious and political history of the times. Central to this period is the year 508 which has significance for students of prophetic history who follow the historicist view of interpretation, as this is a pivotal date for one of the time periods at the end of the book of Daniel, along with the other time periods closely related to it. We appreciate the fine work that Brother Heiks has done in collecting and analyzing much of this obscure material. Students of political, religious and prophetic history are in his debt for this very useful work.

And arms shall stand on his part,
and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength,
and shall take away the daily sacrifice, ....
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away,
 and the abomination that maketh desolate set up,
there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Daniel 11:31/12:11