Sunday, March 6, 2016

The "Really" File - (Woe, DUDES.....)

And they rejected his statutes,
and his covenant that he made with their fathers,
and his testimonies which he testified against them;
and they followed vanity, and became vain,
and went after the heathen that were round about them,
concerning whom the LORD had charged them,
that they should not do like them.
2 Kings 17:15
World’s First Transgender Mosque!!!!!

Uhm.....There is a TRANSGENDER MOSQUE now?.....Does anyone know what ISIS or Al Queda will do to these people if they catch them???? WOW......

Some bigots against Christianity would claim they Christians should do what the Bible would call for in the Old Testament....Actually NOT true....
1) Under the "Laws of Moses" the death penalty would have been required. But we are not under the "Laws of Moses". Those were to keep God's people among themselves pure.....but not to go over into other lands and enforce it on others, such as Jews running off to Athens & slaughtering the "boy lovers" there at the time or cross dressers in the Punjab....
2) The death penalty applied to only certain sets of sins.....where you would forfeit this life & the next. An extremely serious lesson to teach the children of Israel--and us to learn from today.
3) These sins could have been classified as a) Sabbath Breaking b) Sexual Immorality (of all kinds--from homosexuality, to cross dressing, to adultery, to fornication, to bestiality, to rape, etc.) c) Occultic Practices (Psychics, witchcraft, etc.  ....some say what about rebellious people? Remember that the Bible says Rebellion is as the "sin of witchcraft"-so God lumped it into that category).
4) --BUT--IF these sins were an abomination then in the eyes of God, worthy of the death sentence, then today, without a death sentence carried out, they are still ABOMINATIONS in the sight of God. That part hasn't changed.
5) As for the reason WHY Christians don't carry out the death penalty today, is because the Gospel was sent unto the whole world after the cross...we no longer live under a theocracy but in nations governed by the Laws of Men....and implementing such punishments would only alienate many from hearing the Gospel & without a High Priest line for rendering judgments on earth, many more mistakes would be made....rather we were sent out to call SINNERS to the men of this mosque. Not to kill them.
In Summary, God had 3 basic sets of Laws: 1- God's Law (10 Commandments/Moral Law-still governing all) 2- Laws of Moses (No longer in effect as for the punishments--but something to teach us right from wrong still) 3- Ceremonial Laws (Carried out in the Sanctuary rituals up to the Cross, then from there it shifts to the heavenly Sanctuary where the real process takes place. But once again--we are taught Lessons about salvation in the Sanctuary rituals & feast days, although we no longer observe those rituals). Finally, on the side there were also the Dietary Laws which--why argue with your Creator as to what you should & shouldn't eat? WHY do Christians argue with God about that????

But as for the Muslim Mosque of for them putting this out there they are asking for trouble from their fellow Muslims....DUDES, do you know what they (ISIS) will do to you if they catch you? Not call you to repentance, that's for sure....Anyway here is the story....

"The Pondok Pesantren Waria was likely the first transgender prayer school in the world. The school’s name is a combination of pondok pesantran, Indonesian for prayer school, and waria,
Indonesian for transgender woman. Shinta and another transgender woman (waria in Indonesian), fostered a community of 30 to 40 active members, from a community of several hundred transgender women in the city. Then in February, it was shuttered by authorities responding to threats from the Islamic Jihad Front.
Shinta, 54, was also the mosque’s landlady, even letting some other waria live at her home, though her co-founder passed away a few years ago. They’d created the space in 2008 to provide the community with a gathering space and help in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in Yogyakarta two years prior.
I am a waria; I am not gay, and I am not straight,” Shinta told David Brian Esch, who spent three months observing the prayer school while he was a graduate student in religion. “I feel I am a woman, but physically I am a man.”
While transgender issues and identities are just now gaining widespread acceptance in the United States, they’ve been on the forefront of Indonesian national consciousness longer because the waria are more visible than gay, lesbian, and bisexual people.
The waria a term for transfeminine people drawn from the Indonesian words for woman (wanita) and man (pria), see themselves as far from gay.
They would look at me—I’m a gay man—and they would say, ‘You’re a woman,’” Esch said. “Their sexuality is what gives them gender.”
Over conversations with 19 waria, Esch said he continuously got answers about sexuality to questions about gender.
Yogyakarta is a city where all Islamic groups, both moderate and Islamist-leaning, have a high representation,” Alexander Arifianto, a researcher at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University, told The Daily Beast, adding that the groups recruit from the city’s universities. “The attack against 
From the "Really" File
the LGBT boarding school is just the latest of these incidents within the city. Last year there were several attacks against a number of Christian churches within the city

Transgender people have been acknowledged throughout Islamic history, and the Prophet Muhammad’s wife is even said to have had a mukhannath (effeminate) servant who was only banished from the women’s quarters when the Prophet realized he was attracted to women.
Even today in Iran, the Islamic government will pay for gender confirmation surgery for transgender people, making the country second only to Thailand in the number of such surgeries performed. (Homosexuality is punishable by death in Iran, and activists worry that some gay people may be forced into such surgeries to escape that grisly end.)
The body modifications that do take place come from taking female hormones (usually birth control pills), and injecting liquid silicone into their faces to give them a more feminine look. It travels under their skin and settles on the ends of their noses and on their cheekbones, giving some of the waria a distinctive, mask-like appearance. Some resort to under-the-table surgeries to remove it." TheDailyBeast