Monday, March 7, 2016

Sanctuary Series: The Exodus

And were all baptized unto Moses
in the cloud and in the sea;
1 Corinthians 10:2
Outer Court (Altar of Sacrifice, Brazen Laver)
Inner Court (Table of Bread, 7 Branch Candlestick, Altar of Incense)
Most Holy Place (Ark of Covenant & Mercy/Judgment Seat)
Altar of Sacrifice: The Passover Lamb Feast & Blood on Doorposts
Laver: Symbolic Baptism through the Red Sea
Table of Bread: Fed by Manna (Bread) from Heaven
Altar of Incense: 3 Days of Introspection to prepare to meet God at Sanai
Candlestick: They were then declared to be God's peculiar people to the World
Ark of the Covenant: The 10 Commandments Given