Thursday, March 17, 2016

SANCTUARY SERIES: 7 Days of Creation

In the beginning God created...........Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,.....
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Genesis 1:1,2:1,3

Outer Court (Altar of Sacrifice, Brazen Laver)
Inner Court (Table of Bread, 7 Branch Candlestick, Altar of Incense)
Most Holy Place (Ark of Covenant & Mercy/Judgment Seat)
Altar of Sacrifice: 4t Day- Sun created
Laver: 2nd Day- the atmosphere separated from the global water mass
Table of Bread: 3rd Day- Land & Water separated, the drinking water now formed (the table contained the cups for the drink offering)
Altar of Incense: 6th Day- Man created, an intelligent being that can now communicate with His Creator comes to life
Candlestick: 5th Day- Fish & Birds.....first living creatures on earth to bask in the light of the sun & that requires that light to survive
Ark of the Covenant: 7th Day- Sabbath made....Ark of the Covenant where the Law is, centered around the Sabbath command in it's center.......1st Day- Decree from the Judgment Seat of God to create the earth...LET THERE BE LIGHT....{NOTICE how Creation week begins & ends in the Most Holy Place}