Saturday, March 12, 2016


Before we get to the COMMENTARY.....Let Rubio sum up Trump for a moment...
"Marco Rubio hedged on whether he would support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for president.
Addressing reporters ahead of a rally in Largo, Florida, one day after a Trump rally in Chicago was canceled amid clashes between his supporters and protesters, and as Trump cancelled an event scheduled for Ohio on Sunday, the senator offered a blistering critique of frontrunner’s incitement of violence at his events .
It’s called chaos, anarchy and that’s what we’re careening toward,” Rubio said of the atmosphere
surrounding Trump. “We are being ripped apart at the seams now, and it’s disturbing. I am sad for this country. This country is supposed to be an example to the world.”
Asked if he would still support Trump if he were the party’s nominee, the senator responded: “I don’t know. I intend to support the Republican nominee, but [it’s] getting harder every day.”
Rubio’s comments reflected the first cracks in a pledge taken by all Republican candidates to support the eventual nominee.
Rubio spent much of the press conference offering his sharpest rebuke yet of Trump, who he said bore some of the responsibility for violence and protests due to his actions and words.
This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate goes around feeding into a narrative of bitterness and anger and frustration,” Rubio said.
Rubio was also critical of some of the Chicago protesters, who he said had arrived simply to create a scene. He also blamed the media for its treating Trump’s candidacy as more of a reality show throughout the election cycle.
Taking the stage at a rally moments later, Rubio reiterated the comments.
Last night, we saw images that make America look like a third-world country,” Rubio said, before laying into Trump once more.
The job of a leader is not to stoke people’s anger … There are consequences to that, and they’re playing out before our eyes." msn
What --IF-- you had a mix of...
1) A Jesuit for the Little Horn who also had a foot in the GREEN Religion via his encyclical on the subject, which also called for a "Sabbath" to let the earth rest....
2) A GREEN Religion globally that was dominated by secular leftists more than willing to use the powers of government to prosecute/persecute those who disagree with their worldview of "climate change" (who also call for setting aside a day to let the planet rest so as to reduce our "carbon footprint")...
3) A President who, as a bully, would be more than willing to incite violence in his supporters (btw-in fairness to Trump, the other side for 8 years has also been stoking the flames of violence--by encouraging it through racial riots, the occupy movement, support of the black lives matter movement, etc.).
4) A Vice President Carson? (an SDA---drawing media scrutiny on these subjects in the public arena as things unfold)
5) A Global Recession/Depression (led by the collapsing of China) with no one left to bail the world out (since we are now $20,000,000,000,000 in debt) ---hence, causing an overnight shift in the global monetary system...impacting buying & selling practices....)
6) Factor in another upsurge in natural disasters and/or ISIS going nuclear....
7) What if it were like the days of Lot (Sodom) with open homosexuality & gay marriage sweeping the globe & the fruited plains of America? Wait......that one has actually happened.....

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. Daniel 12:1