Tuesday, March 29, 2016

IN the NEWS - Science of PRAYER

And when he had sent the multitudes away,
he went up into a mountain apart to pray:
Matthew 14:23
"....scientifically-tested benefits of prayer.

The first benefit ...was self-control.
Prayer appears to help boost people’s will power, making it easier for them to exercise self-control.

Next, ...prayer makes people nicer.
Across multiple experiments, researchers found that having participants pray for someone reduced aggressive responses to being angered or provoked.

Prayer similarly makes it easier for people to forgive.
Researchers found that having participants pray for romantic partners and friends made those individuals more likely to forgive their partners and friends.

The next benefit...is also relevant for romantic relationships.
Researchers found that having couples pray together increased both feelings of unity and trust and did so more than having couples talk about positive experiences. This work suggests that prayer is more than just an emotionally positive experience. It helps bring couples together.

Finally, .......prayer as a way to cope with stress.
There is quite a bit of research focused on the different ways that people use prayer to cope with a variety of psychological and physical health challenges.

Research is also discovering how the content of a prayer matters.
For instance, 1* prayer that is focused on showing thankfulness and/or getting closer to God has a positive effect on mental well-being.

2* Prayer that is focused on asking God for something does not positively influence well-being and may even harm it.

In all, researchers continue to explore the power of prayer. Over 50% of Americans say they pray every day and many more pray at least once a week. Though scientists can't tell people whether or not God hears their prayers, they can help them understand the measurable benefits they receive from praying." PsychologyToday
COMMENTARY: When it comes to 2*, someone needs to point this out to the prosperity gospel preachers on TV like Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, etc....