Tuesday, March 15, 2016

IN the NEWS - Gay Chaplaincy

HERE WE GO......Christians have been warned this day would arrive.....over in jolly old England a "gay" chaplain is suing for his job back after marring his boyfriend. The local Bishop who oversees the granting by the Church of his license, pulled his job. Now, the gay chaplain has won the right to appeal. See......here we go with the gay agenda forcing it's way into churches, both in weddings & now in the ministry/chaplaincy.....

"Gay clergyman Jeremy Pemberton has won the right to appeal against a ruling by an employment
tribunal that he was not discriminated against.
Canon Pemberton took his case to the tribunal after he was refused a licence to work as a hospital chaplain because he had married his partner Laurence Cunnington.
The decision by the acting Bishop of Southwell meant he was unable to take up the job as Head of Chaplaincy and Bereavement Services in Nottinghamshire.
Pemberton said: "I heard from the Employment Appeal Tribunal that they accepted my application for an appeal. It's important to appeal because this is a test case and test cases need testing. The judgement given in the tribunal had some things my lawyers felt needed further testing." ChristianToday

He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD:
 but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.
Proverbs 14:2