Saturday, March 5, 2016

Creation Moment 3/6/2016 - Earth Temp

In the six hundredth year of Noah's life,
in the second month,
 the seventeenth day of the month,
the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11
"About 3.5 billion years ago, Earth’s oceans were cool, not inhospitably hot as previously thought. In fact, the entire planet at the time was probably locked in a cold snap that lasted at least 30 million years, a new study concludes.

Consistent Temperature for LIFE since the beginning.....
In evolutionary ideology, that would make no sense....
But a consistent temperature conducive for LIFE from the very start
so once again the "SCIENCE"
actually fits the Bible better than evolution
This is the first evidence that over the entire [last] 3.5 billion years, Earth has operated within a temperature range that suits life,” says Maarten de Wit, a geologist at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Evidence for this big chill was found in South Africa’s Barberton Greenstone Belt, which contains some of the oldest, best preserved rocks on Earth. Along with Harald Furnes, a geologist at the University of Bergen in Norway, de Wit spent six years mapping and sampling the Barberton. The researchers studied volcanic rock and a kind of silica called chert that formed deep underwater. They also studied shallower sedimentary and volcanic rocks deposited 30 million years after the deep ocean rocks.

What’s more, de Wit and Furnes figured out why previous researchers had interpreted ocean temperatures to be 30° C to 80° C during this time (compared with near 0° C to about 16° C for modern oceans). Two periods of searing-hot hydrothermal activity had cooked both the seafloor cherts and the surface glacial sediments. In the older seafloor sediments from the Barberton, the team discovered hard evidence for hydrothermal vents. Earlier studies had focused mainly on oxygen isotopes from limited samples that happened to have been strongly affected by this hydrothermal activity, and researchers had not recognized that the results revealed local, not ambient, ocean temperatures." ScienceNews

LET'S BREAK IT DOWN.....they have evidence that the whole existence of earth has been a balanced temperature for life. (TRUE- since it was created for life since creation week)....
As for the layer of sedimentary rocks over deep ocean rocks---that would be due to volcanic activity during the global flood as the great deep was opened......Now, as for that  "searing-hot hydrothermal activity" that  "had cooked both the seafloor cherts and the surface glacial sediments", that would likely be due to those vents ripping open from the great deep....