Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Creation Moment 3/24/2016 - 7 Biology Myths No Electrical Engineer Would Ever Tolerate -#6

6. “The human eye is a pathetic design. It’s got a big blind spot and the ‘wires’ are installed backwards.”

"There are many, many variations on this argument. It’s just another version of “Junk DNA.”
My friend, if you lose your eye, there’s not a single arrogant scientist in the world who can build you a new one. Especially not the scientists who try to tell you why the design of the eye is “pathetic.”
If I were selecting an eye surgeon, I’d look for one who has deep respect for the eye, not disdain for it. How about you? Every engineer knows that you never truly know how something works until you can build it. Merely taking it apart is not enough. Until we can DESIGN eyes for ourselves, we must be very cautious about what we say. The scientist must ALWAYS be humble in the face of nature and you should be wary of anyone who is not."
Gird up now thy loins like a man;
for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
Job 38:3