Saturday, March 19, 2016

Creation Moment 3/20/2016 - 7 Biology Myths No Electrical Engineer Would Ever Tolerate -#2

2. “97% of your DNA is junk – an accumulation of evolutionary leftovers from random mutations over millions of years.”

"The only reason anyone believes lie #2 is that they believe lie #1. Here’s how any rational person can quickly figure out that #2 is wrong.: Human DNA holds 750 megabytes of data, the same as a Compact Disc.
If 97% of your DNA is junk, that means the 3% that isn’t junk is 22 megabytes. In other words,
they’re implying that the entire plan for a human body only takes up 22 megabytes of storage space. ...., the “Windows” folder on my PC – the directory that contains most of the Operating System – is 27 gigabytes.
Does anyone actually think Microsoft Windows Vista is more sophisticated than the human body? Bill Gates sure doesn’t. The fact that a plan for an entire human body can even be contained on one CD is nothing short of a miracle of data compression.
Actual fact: DNA is not 3% efficient. It’s more like 1,000% efficient. The same gene can be used in completely different ways by a dozen different processes. The result is a level of data density that software engineers only dream of.
Engineers see profound elegance where biologists see junk. Which perspective is more in keeping with the aims of science?"

I will praise You
because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.
Psalm 134:14 HCSB