Friday, March 11, 2016

ARCHAEOLOGY: Farming & Babel...

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth:
Genesis 11:8
"Anatolia was a source of not just agriculture but of human ancestry during the advent of farming in Europe around 8,000 years ago, according to a researcher from Stockholm University.

"When farming spread throughout Europe some 8000 years ago, Anatolia functioned as a hub, spreading genes and the new ideas westward,” says a press release from Stockholm University.

Ms. Omrak’s research seems to confirm another recent study that says the first European farmers came from ancient Anatolia (now Turkey).

Many researchers agree agriculture started in the region between the Mediterranean and Iran and expanded from there. However, others believe farming started simultaneously in many different places on Earth." AncientOrigins

Farming started "simultaneously in many different places on Earth"...BECAUSE when they spread out from BABEL they took that farming knowledge they already developed with them!!