Tuesday, February 2, 2016

SDA Issues - NAD coup d'etat being led by Dan Jackson?

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which
cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine
which ye have learned; and avoid them.
Romans 16:17
Is there a coup d'état in the making by NAD (North American Division)?

These are a couple of ideas being kicked around at NAD, led by Dan Jackson, for "restructuring" the church in North America.

I. Close the smaller congregations to "save money"...

MY RESPONSE: The real reason NAD wants to do this is to force those from the smaller (and more theologically conservative congregations) into the larger (and more theological congregations) to erode, and hence corrupt, their views over time with "progressive" ideas.
REMEMBER, when people congregate in bigger numbers, the churches become more liberal which means they begin to erode & downplay the doctrines & are more sympathetic to open error.
This is what happened at Babel....
Also, doesn't the SOP advise us to be moving away from major urban centers as much as possible? Why would NAD want to do the opposite?

II. Do away with the local conferences and let the unions pick up more responsibility including NAD.
MY RESPONSE: ONLY ONE REASON Dan Jackson & NAD would really suggest that (despite the spin about saving money)....and that is power....If the local, theologically conservative conferences were done away with, NAD & Jackson could FORCE women ordination, LGBT, evolution (which Jackson was apparently doing something behind the scenes with those a while back at La Sierra who were teaching evolution as fact), onto all of NAD.....

The ULTIMATE COUP D'ETAT in SDA history....so tell NAD NO if the issue ever gains traction...

Here are some comments from Dan Jackson that makes my point ..."I dream of 300 successful and thriving female pastors in NAD. More women in ministry. We have increased budget to $650,000 a year for incorporating more women into pastoral ministry." This is dream #9 from his dream list he released....
Oh, and one more point to show their being phony with their arguments for closing smaller congregations to save money...in Jackson's dream #11, Jackson says .."Closing a school is not going to give you more money for your church."... SO....closing small congregations will save money but closing a school won't??? Is he planning to become a professional politician or something with this kind of insulting inconsistency?