Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Papal Notes - You Go Girl...

And out of one of them came forth a little horn,
Daniel 8:9
"A New Hampshire state representative who supports Donald Trump referred to the pope as the "anti-Christ" in a Facebook post thread.
That comment came in a thread the same day, Feb. 18, that Po
pe Francis suggested that Trump's desire to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico is "not Christian," provoking a response from the Republican frontrunner.
Susan DeLemus, in the thread to a post on one of her favorite psalms was asked by a commenter if she saw the Pope's comments.
"The Pope is the anti-Christ. Do your research," DeLemus wrote, following up in the thread saying "I'm not sure who the Pope truly has in his heart."
DeLemus on Monday told POLITICO she was actually referring to the papacy.
"I was actually referencing the papacy. And what I wrote after that 'do your research,' if you read the Geneva Bible, which is the Bible I use when we study, the commentary is—actually by the founders of the United States actually, the Protestant Church—their commentary references the papacy as the anti-Christ," DeLemus said. "And I think actually in one part of it, and I don't remember who it was that wrote it, there was one of the popes that they had referenced as the anti-Christ. So that's all I was referring to, the papacy, not particularly that one particular pope because the papacy is a seat. It's not just one person."
She added, "I'm not saying the pope is going to start growing horns
and a tail and start poking people."
But DeLemus didn't shy away from weighing in on Pope Francis' comments.
"I'm not Catholic so I don't think he's infallible. I believe he's fallible just like the rest of us," DeLemus said. "I'm really not a respecter of men. It's really God I respect, and he's the head and the leader." Politico

You go girl......