Thursday, February 18, 2016

Papal Notes - Trump Rumble

"Thrusting himself into the heated American presidential campaign, Pope Francis declared
Thursday that Donald Trump is "not Christian" if he wants to address illegal immigration only by building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Trump fired back ferociously, saying it was "disgraceful" for a religious leader to question a person's faith.
The rare back-and-forth between pontiff and presidential candidate was the latest astonishing development in an American election already roiled by Trump's free-wheeling rhetoric and controversial policy proposals, particularly on immigration. It also underscored the popular pope's willingness to needle U.S. politicians on hot-button issues." Drudge
I'm not voting for Trump in the primary, but what business is it of Francis about a wall to stop "illegal" immigration? Doesn't "Caesar" have a duty, and role, to protect its people? Wouldn't it be "unchristian" to violate the "Caesars" Laws of another country?

The Vatican-surrounded by a WALL
Just asking, since Francis brought it up.....As someone who IS NOT voting for Trump, I find it RUDE of Francis to call him "not Christian" because he wants to protect his country's borders. (I can think of other reasons to think Trump isn't a "Christian", lol, but securing your borders is not one of them.)
Didn't Nehemiah build a wall? I'm just saying...the Pope should stay out of our politics.....
Yea, also I continued in the work of this wall, neither bought we any land:
Nehemiah 5:16