Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Papal Notes - China, Russia Outreach

"China and Russia still stand on the far horizon. Out of the 180 or so countries
that have diplomatic ties with the Holy See (including countries like Iran and Cuba), amid all the heads of government and ministers and politicians and dignitaries who journey from far and wide to the Vatican, Beijing and Moscow remain two forbidden places for the head of the Catholic Church.
For now.
A Tropical Encounter?Could Jorge Bergoglio unlock the door? From sources close to the Vatican and prelates of the curia who do not wish to be named, I have heard some recent positive attempts to craft an encounter between the pope and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, possibly this year.
 Moscow seems to appreciate the way the Holy See has expressed a balanced view on what the pope defined, just a year ago, a "war among Christians," rather than Russian aggression against its neighbor. Francis has always kept dialogue open with President Vladimir Putin.....
Relations with China have not reached that point at all. But P
ope Francis is doing whatever it takes to patiently undo the knot. In what seems a real communication strategy, he granted an interview to the Hong Kong-based news website, Asia Times. It was published on Feb. 2, before the Chinese New Year. Showing "great respect" for the Chinese people and admiration for the country's "great richness of culture and wisdom," Francis also expressed his "best wishes and greetings" to Chinese President Xi Jinping.
This comes after other signals sent by the Vatican towards Beijing. In summer 2014, Francis was the first pope ever to be granted access to fly over China on his way towards Korea. As he declared to the press on the return flight: "Do I want to go to China? Of course: tomorrow! Oh, yes."" HP
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
and his deadly wound was healed:
and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3