Monday, February 1, 2016

IN the NEWS - Fiorina 100% Correct

If thou seest ..... violent perverting of judgment
 and justice in a province,
 marvel not at the matter:
 for he that is higher than the highest regardeth;
 and there be higher than they.
Ecclesiastes 5:8
"Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina didn’t back down from taking on Planned Parenthood in the GOP debate last night. She said there’s something wrong with the justice system in the
country when pro-life advocates exposing Planned Parenthood are indicted but not Hillary Clinton.
Fiorina was referring to how a Texas grand jury has ignored the videos exposing a Houston-based Planned Parenthood abortion clinic caught selling aborted baby body parts and has instead indicted the man behind producing the expose’ videos.
.... Fiorina quipped: “Hillary Clinton hasn’t been indicted, either. So that tells us a lot about our justice system in this country. But, look, the facts of Planned Parenthood have not changed.
The reality is, most Americans find this practice horrific. Most Americans find horrific that Hillary Clinton’s position on this is it’s not a life until it’s born. Most Americans find horrific Hillary Clinton’s position or the Democrat party’s position, that a young woman does not need her mother’s permission to get an abortion,” she continued.
Fiorina added: “But if you are 13 years old, you can get an abortion, but you can’t go to a tanning salon without your mother’s permission. A president Fiorina — in a president Fiorina budget, there will not be one dime for Planned Parenthood, although there would be a lot of money for women’s health and we will finally pass the pain capable unborn child protection act. I will always stand for life and religious liberty because this is about the character of our nation.” Wanderer