Friday, February 5, 2016

Creation Moment 2/6/2016 - Are You a "Sick" one?

They lament the public doesn't agree with "science" all the time... Let's Respond to Astronomy Magazine....

"Several methods of determining the truth exist. But for the sake of argument, we can examine the “big four,” the most common modes of reasoning that most everyone uses in some form every day.

The first is intuition, equivalent to imagination, speculation, and revelation. This most primitive thought process employs a priori
reasoning, is highly dogmatic, and involves assumptions and even clairvoyance and extrasensory perception. It’s highly emotional and personal."
RESPONSE: We do have "revelation" given to us from our Creator--His Word gives us answers to origins, destiny, meaning & morality.
But speaking of "assumptions"...that is ALL Darwinian Macro - evolution consists of....

"The second method is authoritarianism. This is how schools, governments, and organizations usually work. You believe something to be the truth because parents, teachers, clergy, physicians, politicians, or celebrities tell you it is so. Such public testimony is especially readily accepted by those with lesser amounts of education and by philosophical traditionalists who resist change, innovation, and criticism."
RESPONSE: Yes, we consider the tried & tested Word of God to be authoritative.
BUT---when it comes to "authoritarianism", you people sure are in the education system---just let someone stand up in a college and try challenging evolution and see the meltdown (and use of "authority") by the faculty in response. There is no group more authoritarian today than secular liberals on a college campus. It is they who resist "criticism" today.

"The third method, rational thinking, is better than the first two.
This approach includes mathematics and logic, and is based on stochastics (probabilities), heuristics (invention), and analogies (comparisons). Definitions and semantics become very important in this mode. Rules of logic prevail; for example, if A = B, then A ÷ B = 1. Statistics, which rely on this kind of reasoning, it should be noted, are valid only when based on large samples."
RESPONSE: O.K., let's use logic::::Either God exists or He doesn't. If He doesn't, then nothing matters. Our future is simply an eternal nap in a dust blanket. So get what you can, and enjoy your every impulse today.
ON the other hand, if this God exists, then that's all that matters. And if He is GOD--then He can create the world in 6 days as well as raise the dead.

Also, from what we observe from science & mathematics the evidence shows DESIGN. And DESIGN = DESIGNER logically. Unless you are Richards Dawkins, admit you see DESIGN, but foolishly dismiss it as an "illusion". Like Paul says -
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, that they are without excuse:
Romans 1:20

"The fourth and best mode of determining the truth, according to scientists, is empiricism. This is the basis, in fact, of science. Empirical methods rely on coincidental observations and agreement among educated people. They are unconstrained and rely on multiple sources of information. They involve experimentation, measurements, repetition, analysis, and prediction."
RESPONSE: Again, the evidence we see around us points to a Designer. We see a clock on the wall and know that it was designed. Logically, why would something billions of times more complex (human brain for example) evolve itself from no brain??
Also, to be "science", it has to be observable (when have you
observed macro-evolution in nature or the lab) testable (if you can't observe it-how do you test it?) and repeatable (you can't repeat a test on something you can't observe or test).

"Darwin became an expert on comparative morphology and evolution. He described how variation is a characteristic of all species. He noted that more organisms are produced than can possibly survive due to limitations in the environment. He pointed out that real and inadvertent competition always exists for resources. And he demonstrated how transmission of variations and adaptations occur, which depend on the laws of heredity."
RESPONSE: That paragraph is deceptive by Astronomy Magazine. When the DNA code was cracked in the mid-20th century, they found out Darwin was wrong. So they came up with a new Darwinism called "Neo-Darwinism". The reason is because they realized this genetic variation within a kind is built in (micro - evolution) and that DNA only Ruins, Removes or Rearranges existing information. So to get to Macro - evolution, they had to make up something new and basically believe that micro - evolution over millions of years could maybe have "lucky" glitches building on each other by chance. That's because DNA doesn't add new info, so to get from a whale to a human, based on original Darwinism, after cracking the DNA code, it became clear it can't
happen. So they had to tweak it to save face, hence Neo-Darwinism (championed by Richard Dawkins). Then those who were intellectually honest, admitted the fossil record doesn't support evolution so it must have been much faster leaps, so they came up with punctuated equilibrium evolution (championed by Stephen Gould of MIT). Then others admitted that mathematically, and because of the level of complexity of even a simple single cell, that the chance that each level would fall into place over time is basically ZERO. So they came up with the idea, called panspermia, that we were planted by a cell from space, whether by a crashing meteor or asteroid, or by aliens. This only pushes back the answer as to how it got started (championed by Carl Sagan).

" a 2014 Gallup poll showed that 42 percent of the U.S. believes in creationism, the idea that the universe and life on Earth originated from divine acts by a supreme being."
RESPONSE: Yeah, imagine a free society there people who analyze the information and draw a different conclusion than you do.....welcome to true FREE THINKING...let's try to keep it this way in America