Saturday, February 20, 2016

Creation Moment 2/21/2016 - Human Nature Contradicts Evolutionary Timescale

And God said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness: and let them have dominion over ....the earth,
Genesis 1:26
"Even stupid people don’t sit around in caves for tens of thousands of years.

Two evolutionists publishing in PLoS One need to take a refresher course in human nature. In their paper on “cultural evolution” and “technological evolution,” they posit two antithetical propositions:

(1) that 100,000 years ago, human ancestors were smart enough to travel the world and share technology with other people groups,
(2) nothing significant happened civilization-wise till a few thousand years ago.

Science Daily describes ground zero for their story: "ince its discovery in the early 1990s, Blombos
Cave, about 300 kilometres east of Cape Town, South Africa, has yielded important new information on the behavioural evolution of the human species. The cave site was first excavated in 1991 and field work has been conducted there on a regular basis since 1997 — and is on-going. Blombos contains Middle Stone Age deposits currently dated at between 100,000 and 70,000 years, and a Later Stone Age sequence dated at between 2,000 and 300 years. The researchers from UiB and Witswatersrand have now been looking closer at technology used by different groups in this and other regions in South Africa, such as spear points made of stone, as well as decorated ostrich eggshells, to determine whether there was an overlap and contact across groups of Middle Stone Age humans."

The “cave art many years later” mentioned above dates from 40,000 years before the present, even as far east as Indonesia (see 10/14/14). When discovered at Chauvet Cave in France, the cave art shocked the artistic world, showing that the earliest art was the best (5/09/12). Evidence of music was found even earlier (5/25/12), showing that human creativity was alive and well. Did it really take 30,000 more years for any man to figure out how to ride a horse? How long will it take for enough people to say this is stupid? This evolutionary timeline is ridiculous. We know what people are like. We know what they are capable of. The evidence shows that the people who left traces at Blombos Cave, Chauvet Cave and other locations were just as strong, smart, and creative as we are. Evolutionists admit they made tools, used fire, cooked food, and traveled clear across Asia. It is absurd to believe that they would live in caves and stick to a primitive hunting and gathering lifestyle for tens of thousands of years. It only took 10,000 years or less for mankind to go from Gobekli Tepe to the moon!

Evolutionists want us to believe that humans stayed primitive for 10 times that long. Man went from horse-drawn carriages to self-driving cars in less than two centuries. It doesn’t take long for intelligent human beings to come up with creative ways to do things." CEH