Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Creation Moment 2/18/2016 - 100% CORRECT Ken

... no man repented him of his wickedness, saying,
What have I done?
every one turned to his course,
as the horse rusheth into the battle.
Jeremiah 8:6

"Ken Ham, a biologist and supporter of young Earth creationism, said evolution is a “belief,” not a “theory” -- a “fairy tale” for people who “try to explain life without God” -- and he added that the secular State has established a church, the
Church of Evolution, with Darwin as the High Priest,” and teachers and professors as “priests” who push the Darwin religion in the schools.

In an interview on VCY America on Feb. 10, two days before the international Darwin Day, host Jim Schneider said to Ken Ham, “I was disturbed in my spirit to hear we have House now and Senate resolutions declaring Feb. 12 to be Darwin Day, and as much as that grieved me, it grieved me even more though to see that churches are doing the very same thing.”

Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis and founder of the Creation Museum, said, “Churches are doing the very same thing.  And think about this: At the same time, they’re trying to throw nativity scenes out of public places, take Christ out of Christmas, and then they claim there’s separation of church and state...." CNS