Monday, February 1, 2016

Creation Moment 2/1/2016 - Just Earth

"Prometheus ...... This is one of the shepherd moons of Saturn’s F-ring. It periodically contacts the ring particles and scours out patterns in the dust. ....the 53-mile-long potato-shaped moon shows
a partly cratered, dusty surface. This was the only other body in the solar system that Guillermo Gonzalez calculated was capable of creating a total eclipse of the sun.......provided one was floating in Saturn’s cloud tops at the right place and time for a half a second. However, Cassini showed that Prometheus is non-spherical. That leaves one place for the beauty and scientific significance of total solar eclipses, the Earth: the one place we know of with sentient beings who can appreciate them. And Earth’s eclipses can last up to two minutes." CEH
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
Hebrews 11:3