Wednesday, January 20, 2016

SDA News - Carson Staff Worker Dies

"A 25-year-old staffer for Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson died Tuesday in a car
accident that also injured three campaign volunteers. Carson suspended his campaign for the remainder of the day and planned to travel to Omaha where Braden Joplin was being treated at Nebraska Medical Center's trauma center.
The campaign confirmed Tuesday evening that Joplin died as the result of his injuries.

"Braden Joplin died following an auto accident on slick roads near Atlantic, Iowa," the campaign said in a statement. "Three other passengers in the van were treated and released from a hospital in Atlantic, but Joplin's injuries were severe, and he was brought to Nebraska Medical Center's trauma center in critical condition for treatment."

Earlier on Tuesday, Carson said he had spoken with a neurosurgeon who was attending to Joplin.
Carson also said he had spoken with Joplin's family.
Carson's Iowa state director, Ryan Rhodes, asked for prayers in a Facebook post.
"Today is one of those days where it's about more than politics please pray for Braden a dedicated volunteer who put his heart and soul into this effort. Somehow the words Trust in God mean more now than can be expressed," he wrote." CNN
A time to weep, .... a time to mourn,
Ecclesiastes 3:4