Sunday, January 24, 2016

SDA Issues - Andrews opened door.... to ICHABOD

And she named the child Ichabod,
 The glory is departed from Israel.
1 Samuel 4:21

 "One wonders if the recent 21-page document  released by Andrews Seminary paves the way for gender confusion to be welcomed into the church,....
The seminary position paper includes the following statements:

"It should be emphasized, however, that the biblical materials condemn homosexual practice , but there is no castigation of innate homosexual orientation per se" ( p. 14).
"We strongly affirm that homosexual persons have a place in the Seventh-day Adventist Church" (p. 18). 

This argument is meaningless, if not misleading. Is homosexuality something you are, like being black or elderly or handicapped
or female, or is it something you do, like adultery or incest or lying? This question goes to the heart of the pro-homosexual statement that "there is a difference between  being a homosexual and  practicing homosexuality." In order for the pro-gay argument to be valid, one must assume that homosexuality is not a sin. On the other hand, if homosexuality is a sin, as the Bible teaches, then the distinction between being a homosexual and practicing homosexuality is artificial and invalid. ...

* Will the SDA church be charged with sexual discrimination
if they refuse to employ gay pastors?
* Does the church risk losing its 501c3 status
if it refuses to marry two homosexuals?
* Does the church screen homosexuals in regards to their sexual activities before appointing them into church leadership?  

Is not an elder to be "blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly" (Titus 1:6). " ModernManna