Saturday, January 23, 2016

SDA History - 1st SDA mass mailing

"During the winter of 1852-53, Elder Andrews wrote his 80-page
pamphlet on the Sanctuary and 2,300 days. This was printed on the hand press in the spring of 1853. The office had no stitching or trimming machine. Elder White, anxious to send copies to all the brethren, called a “bee” of the Rochester members who folded the signatures for 100 books. I perforated them with a shoemaker’s pegging awl, the sisters stitched them with needle and thread, Mary Patten put on the covers, and Uriah Smith trimmed them with his pocket knife and straight edge. Sister White wrapped them, and Elder White addressed them for the mail. We were a happy company together for we were getting off the first book printed on a press owned by Seventh-day Adventists." J.N. Loughborough, ( R.H. 7-31-1919)

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world
 for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Matthew 24:14