Wednesday, January 27, 2016

SCAM ALERT - Hank Kunneman

Hank Kunneman (a self proclaimed charismatic "prophet") recently
claimed on camera that God came down and discussed politics with him--- specifically Obamacare & gay marriage. He claims he asked God about the legalizing of gay marriage in America and that God turned and looked at the Mercy Seat.....he also claimed this year in 2016 God will burn the weapons of North Korea.
He also claims God showed him someone in Israel will make a major breakthrough in cancer research...
Do you really believe Hank Kunneman has seen the Mercy Seat? Do you really believe God will strike North Korea in 2016 because Hank says so?

Hey Hank, tell us how the SCAM works....{this is a transcript of his words from Sid Roth's It's Supernatural online}... "SidNow when God calls people out by their name is it just the first name or is it the whole name sometimes.

Hank: Sometimes for example how it works with the word of knowledge at least in my ministry is sometimes
the Lord will say “There is someone here named so and so you have this symptom.” 
Other times I’ll look at somebody and like how the writing was over the wall in the days of Hezekiah, a writing, like a name, will appear over their head.  Sometimes it will appear above them. 
I’ll point my finger to a gentleman perhaps John, if that’s the name that I see and of course you know they say yes.  Sometimes it’s been their last name; other times it’s been their address."

Q: When was there writing over the wall in the days of Hezekiah? Did Hank mean in the days of Belshazzar? Or does the False Prophet not know the difference between Isaiah & Hezekiah / Daniel & Belshazzar?
But there were false prophets also among the people,
even as there shall be false teachers among you,
2 Peter 2:1