Thursday, January 14, 2016

Papal Notes - Google Francis

Pope Francis to join Google's Eric Schmidt in rare tech industry meeting

"Pope Francis once described the internet as a “gift from God”. But on Friday he is due to meet with someone who may believe the internet has more to do with his own company than divine intervention: Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google.

Another source familiar with the meeting said Schmidt was due to meet with the pope privately along with Jared Cohen, a former US state department official who is now head of Google Ideas. Schmidt co-wrote a book with Cohen in 2013 called The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business.

Pope Francis has admitted to not having a computer, but the 79-year-old is clearly not naive when it comes to the power of technology.
 The internet, he once said, is a “gift from God
 because of its ability to offer
immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity”.

Schmidt, whose net worth is an estimated $10.6bn, is the executive chairman and in effect the global ambassador of Alphabet – the newly formed conglomerate which includes Google. He’s been politically active with liberal causes, donated to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and is a member of the White House’s council of advisors on science and technology." TheGuardian

Q: Has Google leadership/ownership met with any other Church say maybe...the head of the ELCA, or the SDA's, or the United Methodist or head of the Assemblies of God, etc.?...NO... so why the Pope? actual genuine "Little Horn" power (a kingdom/nation which is what the Vatican literally is) stretching from Pagan Rome all the way down to today....
And out of one of them came forth a little horn,
which waxed exceeding great,
Daniel 8:9