Friday, January 22, 2016

IN the NEWS - So Sad

A man’s item shall not be on a woman, and a man shall not wear a woman’s garment; whoever does such a thing is an abhorrence unto Adonai.
  — Deuteronomy 22:5

"After visiting the beauty supply store, Mac, with his mother, eight-year old Ethan has discovered his new dream. A Floridian makeup artist named Joey Killmeyer applied makeup to Ethan, making him look like a “drag queen” Ethan’s mom, Season Wilwert, told The Huffington Post that she hoped her openness with her son’s creative desires would inspire other parents to embrace the unique qualities
of their own children. “Children need to be loved unconditionally, nurtured and encouraged to discover themselves through their true talents and passions,” she said. “By doing so, and receiving the necessary support from parents, they are building confidence and security in who they are. We as parents should be our child’s biggest cheerleader.”

While parents should allow their children to have freedom to be who God created them to be, they must also remember that they should be raising their children to wear the robe of righteousness, in which all will look uniform and a part of the kingdom of God.

Children did not come up with the idea of homosexuality, but rather it was introduced to them, many times by the parents. A child would not be as comfortable as Ethan was going to a makeup store and having his makeup done, if that child did not know it would be accepted and applauded by the parents. This also shows that the parents are living in open rebellion to God, thus being an example for the children." SavedToServe

"The opinions and maxims of the world should not govern the mother, nor should she labor to reach the world's standard. She should decide for herself what is the great end and aim of life, and then bend all her efforts to attain that end. She may, for want of time, neglect many things about her house, with no serious results; but she cannot with impunity neglect the proper discipline of her children. Their defective characters will publish her unfaithfulness."
Signs Of The Times 3/11/1886 E.G.W.