Friday, January 8, 2016

Creation Moment 1/9/2016 - 5 Atheist Claims Series pt.5

"You're anti science, and/or you don't understand it!" (...Often followed by an insult)

First and foremost:

This argument is almost a sure sign that science has left its intended boundaries, and become a full-fledged worldview in the mind of the atheist!
In other words, they're "placing all bets" merely on what we know about nature, which most would agree is currently far less than 1% of all there is to know throughout the universe!

Science as a worldview is irrational; science is simply an investigation of nature. Nothing more. And nature itself has never been shown to cause itself, per the scientific principle of cause and effect...

Here, the atheist (also) needs to be reminded that nature is not exclusive to the naturalistic

worldview. It's also part of the Biblical worldview, being that Christians (rightly) believe God created nature!  In other words, atheistic naturalists don't have a "corner" on nature by any stretch.

So believers in God have absolutely no reason to be anti science, and in fact many Christians that I know happen to love science! Most of the founding fathers of modern science were believers in God, I might add.

As far as the accusation of "lack of understanding" is concerned, that's yet another arbitrary assertion which must be substantiated in order to carry any weight at all in argumentation...

However, even if a lack of understanding were substantiated, science is not the only "evidential game in town"...

Other forms of evidence which often have far more influence on worldviews and relevance to what's true (being that theories don't equal truth), include personal experience, anecdotal evidence, intuition, historical evidence, philosophical & logical arguments, immaterial/non-physical evidence, and more.

So it's a complete non sequitur to imply that science alone, when/if fully understood, would change minds or determine worldviews... Again, scientific theories prove nothing, and science is not a worldview!

In reality, the more learned we become about science should only serve to further our appreciation and
amazement over God's creation...

The Bible affirms that because of creation, no man has an excuse not to believe. In other words, God is self evident! And indeed, it is irrational to look at ourselves in the mirror and conclude that we are merely a product of undirected, mindless causes.

...We are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image."

       Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you?
James 3:13